- FREE for Current SHRMA Members
- $35.00 for Guests (Not a SHRMA Member)
Hot Breakfast Included
Missy Peifer, SHRMA President
PROGRAM - 8:00 - 10:00 AM
DEI Strategies for Inclusive Talent Acquisition and Employment
PART 1 - 8:00 - 8:30
Supporting Under Resourced Talent
ALICE & The Getting Ahead in the Workplace Program
Stephanie Reitmeyer – Senior Director of Education, Susquehanna Valley United Way
Rose Williams - Founder, Getting Ahead Foundation
Stephanie will provide a broad look at the programs and areas of impact the United Way supports employers and their local communities. These initiatives intersect with employer initiatives in the DEI space including topics such as employment, job recruitment, retention, mental health and substance use disorder space. In addition she will share a closer look at ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) and the financial hardships this hidden segment of our community experiences.
Rose Williams will then connect the ALICE population's unique needs with strategies employers can offer to build financial security and stability for their employees.
PART 2 - 8:30 - 9:00
Reentry Workforce Initiatives for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals
Dorenda Hamarlund - Workforce Development Specialist, Department of Corrections
Dorenda will provide an overview of:
- PA Department of Corrections programs and opportunities to get inmates “job ready”
- Benefits of hiring reentrants (those with a criminal history)
- Support available post-release to reentrants and employers
Part 3 - 9:00 - 9:30
Abilities at Work: Supporting Individuals with Disabilities in the Workplace
Sara Snyder, CESP - Risk Manager & Employment Specialist, Shared Support Inc.
Sara will help attendees explore opportunities to create jobs in today's workforce by:
- Exploring the differences between hiring from a formal application process versus a unique job creation by conducting a task/job analysis
- Interviewing someone with a Job Coach & the benefits of a visual resume
- The benefits of a long-term relationship with a provider of employment services.
Part 4 - 9:30 - 10:00
Q&A Panel and Networking
Payments for non-members will be verified before confirming registration. Payment instructions will be included in Invoice.
This session has been submitted for recertification credits with SHRM and HRCI. Chapter members in good standing with their dues and non-members that have paid the nominal fee will receive these credits if in attendance for the minimum required time per SHRM/HRCI guidelines.